Brian Grey


Brian Grey

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  • Preferred : Harare Pretoria
  • Expected : 1200 USD/Month
  • Updated 11 months ago

Web Developer

  • Age : 59 Years Old
  • Gender : Male
  • Educational Attainment :- Project Management NQF Level 8
  • Availability :- 40 Hours/week
  • Experience :- 10 Years

H3D/University of Cape Town

October 2021 – Sept 2022

Data Specialist


–              Update and Maintain SOPs

–              DOTMATICS System Support and Development (LIMS system used by UCT)

–              HAMILTON Support and Development

–              Mentor assist/train new Scientists.

–              IN-HOUSE Development of new Systems Assay Invoicing Application as well as a CRM (Client Relationship Management System)

–              Analysis of Data to check Trends And Timelines


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract



FAMCRU/Stellenbosch University

October 2016 – Present

Data Manager


–              Develop CRF,s for Clinical Research

–              Database development and management

–              Data Validations and Corrections.

–              Mentor assist/train Data Capturers.

–              Statistical Analysis

–              IMPAACT and ACTG Studies

–              Pharmaceutical Studies

–              GCP Compliant

–              Perform QC and QA of all data.

–              Evaluate and Implement new software to ensure Best Practices.

–              Sit on the interview Panel for New Recruits

–              Technologies used are  ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB , Visual Studio 2005/2008,VBSCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML,,DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, .NET  +- 6 years, SQL Reporting Services, JAVA, Linux, J-Idea, Apache-Server, Java Servlets, C Sharp,Struts,COM+,FTP, Oracle, Visual Basic 3,4,5,6, SQL 2000, SQL 2005, OpenClinica, Stata, ‘R’, Excel, EData, Medidata Rave,REDCAP, Veeva Vault


Reason for leaving:  Was made an offer by the University of Cape Town



Desmond Tutu TB Centre/Stellenbosch University

August 2012 – October 2016

Data Manager


–              Develop CRF,s for Clinical Research

–              Database development and management

–              Data Validations and Corrections.

–              Mentor assist/train Data Capturers.

–              Statistical Analysis

–              QA and QC of Data

–              Updating and creation of new and existing SOPs

–              Evaluate and Implement new software to ensure Best Practices.

–              Technologies used are  ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB , Visual Studio 2005/2008,VBSCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML,,DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, .NET  +- 6 years, SQL Reporting Services, JAVA, Linux, J-Idea, Apache-Server, Java Servlets, C Sharp,Struts,COM+,FTP, Oracle, Visual Basic 3,4,5,6, SQL 2000, SQL 2005, OpenClinica, Stata, Excel, EData, Medidata Rave,REDCAP, Veeva Vault


Reason for leaving:  Moved to FAMCRU Still at the University




August 2010 – July 2012



–              Syringa Recruitment, Pearson Education, Silverman Recruitment, J & P Investments

–              Developed and A1HR Human Resources application, Data Management,

–              Technologies used are  ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB , Visual Studio 2005/2008,VBSCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML,,DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, .NET  +- 5 years, SQL Reporting Services, JAVA, Linux, J-Idea, Apache-Server, Java Servlets, Struts,COM+,FTP, Oracle, Visual Basic 3,4,5,6, SQL 2000, SQL 2005


Reason for leaving:  Was made an offer by Desmond Tutu TB Centre




December 2009 – August 2010



–              Maintenance and additions to their Legacy Systems.

–              New Development .NET, AJAX, Obouts,C#

–              Technologies used are Dreamweaver, ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB , Visual Studio 2005/2008,VBSCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML,,DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, .NET  +- 2 years, SQL Reporting Services, JAVA, Linux, J-Idea, Apache-Server, Java Servlets, Struts,COM+,FTP, Oracle, Visual Basic 3,4,5,6, SQL 2000, SQL 2005

–              Style Management System, Production Planning, Production Enquiry etc


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract




March 2007 – December 2009

IT Manager/Analyst/Developer


–              Write new dynamic web site for LegalNexus.


–              Develop and enhance the new CRM System– Intranet.

–              Maintain and administer the existing CRM system

–              SQL / SYBASE DBA

–              Hardware/Software installation and support.

–              Premium Collections via BEFT.

–              Telephone management.

–              Account Manager.

–              Responsible for all aspects of the IT Management functionality.

–              Liason with 3rd party vendors.

–              Hardware procurement.

–              Technologies used are Dreamweaver, ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB SCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML,,DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, .NET  EXPOSURE +- 8 months, SQL Reporting Services, JAVA, Linux, J-Idea, Apache-Server, Java Servlets, Struts,COM+,FTP


Reason for leaving:  Want to come back to Cape Town.


Prior to working full-time for LegalNexus, I opted to work as an independent contractor either contracting directly through fixed term or shorter term contracts.  I opted for this as it provided an opportunity to be exposed to a variety of technologies and development platforms .   My assignments have included the following:




June 2006 – February 2007

Technician / Analyst/Developer

–              Write new dynamic web site for Mobility Methods

–              Maintain and enhance existing inhouse web applications

–              Develop new systems in VB

–              SQL / SYBASE DBA




–              Hardware/Software installation and support ay clients sites as well as inhouse.

–              Technologies used are Dreamweaver, ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB SCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML, DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, NET  EXPOSURE +- 8 months, SQL Reporting Services, COM+,WAP Development, FTP



Reason for leaving:  Went to Johannesburg as I was made an offer..





2.         LIPCO LAW FOR ALL

September 2003 – June 2006

Web Site / Intranet developer / DBA / VB Development / Management Level

–              Write new dynamic web site for Lipco

–              Develop and enhance the new Membership application – Intranet

–              Develop new systems in VB

–              SQL / SYBASE DBA


–              Technologies used are Dreamweaver, ASP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, VB SCRIPT, DHTML, ACCESS, SQL, PHOTOSHOP, FLASH, VB, XML,,DTS,VISUAL STUDIO, .NET  EXPOSURE +- 8 months, SQL Reporting Services


Reason for leaving:  Better Prospects




November 2002 – August 2003

SQL/Sybase DBA/Analyst Programmer

–              Analyse and write new systems interfacing with HiPortfolio.

–              Maintain existing in-house applications.

–              Write new systems.

–              Data Base Administrator on SQL 6.5, 7 and 2000.

–              Software packages used are Visual Interdev, Visual basic 6, Access, SQL,  Excel, .Net exposure, Flash, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript, XML. DTS, Connex

–              Current applications worked on are Safex faxing system. etc.

–              There are +- 58 existing in-house apps to maintain.

–              Also busy gaining experience in Connex, Smart Stream, Heat, I-Net, Btrieve databases, Great Plains


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract





4.         LEARNONLINE

August 2001 – October 2002

Visual Basic – Internet Developer

–              Analyse and write interactive content for the Learn on Line web site.

–              Database systems all systems currently using text files and Access onto SQL server e,g. Quizes BrainTeazers etc.

–              Currently developing in ASP, Java Script, VB Script, HTML, XML, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, PHP, SQL, FLASH, DREAMWEAVER.

–              Make the site more interactive and exciting for the School kids of all grades.

–              Responsible for keeping the site up and running at all times.

–              Developed an on-line Colouring Book and various interactive games in Flash 5.

–              Lecturing part-time in computer game creation and Macromedia Flash.


Current site is called


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract





March 2000 – June 2001 (contract expired)

Visual Basic – Intranet Developer

–              Analysed and developed various front-ends for the New Business/Money Management departments in VB6 to keep track of schedules received and payments received.

–              Used SQL 6.5 and 7 as back ends

–              Also developed the statistics, reports and the views for these databases using HTML, ASP, VBScript and JavaScript

–              Development packages used were Microsoft Front-page and Visual InterDev


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract






October 1999 – March 2000

Visual Basic/Access Developer

–              Developed a SMAC Report Writer using VB6, Access on a Progress database

–              Developed a contacts database in VB 6 using Access as a back-end

–              Responsible for maintenance work on existing Asset Management systems.


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract



7.         NEDCOR

April 1999 – October 1999

Visual Basic Developer

–              Development work using VB6, Crystal Reports, Access on Progress database


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract




8.         CREDIT DIRECT

February 1999 – March 1999


–              Developing a system for cash loans using VB5 with a MS Access back-end

–              Doing Access support

–              Managed the IT department


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract




9.         WOOLWORTHS

August 1998 – January 1999


–              Used VB5 with Informix back-end to develop their Textile system linked to suppliers


Reason for leaving:  End of Contract





April 1998 – July 1998

Development Manager

–              To see that the Network is kept up and stable

–              All support for all products

–              Analysing and Developing New Systems using VB, Delphi 3, SQL and Access

–              Installing Windows NT, Windows 95 and setting up new machines for our users


Reason for leaving:  Retrenched





January 1998 – March 1998

Contractor – Year 2000 Project

–             Converting all their existing systems written in Clipper Summer 97, Clipper 5.2, SQL, VB3&4, Pascal and Cobol in order that they become Year 2000 compliant.


Reason for leaving:  End of contract




12.       ISU CAMPUS

February 1997 – January 1998



Reason for leaving:  Better Prospects






Software:                                             Visual Basic 4, Ms Access, Ms FrontPage,

Sequel Server

–              Analysis and development of systems for client company’s, as well as delivering training courses



–              Electricity metering dispenser in Access – changed the code to make it work for Sequel Server

–              Travel Agency booking system in Access

–              File transfer programme from PC to Mainframe using FTP Protocol in VB 4

–              LAN Design – Interfacing to Impact award and to Sequel Server and writing Web pages for it- using Access and FrontPage

–              Developing a budget system using VB and Sequel Server in a team of 2



–              Visual Basic Certification

–              Access Designers

–              Sequel Server Administration

–              Flash 5 Intermediate

–              Write your own computer game – RPG Toolkit




November 1989 – January 1997

Analyst Programmer


Software          :                        VISUAL BASIC, SQL SERVER, MSACCESS, CLIPPER, DELPHI,



Hardware        :             PC’s

–              Analyse, design and write systems for users at Group Schemes as well as all the branches and advisors out in the field

–              Provides on going support and training  for these systems

–              Runs training sessions in various packages e.g.

–             DOS

–             MultiMate

–             Lotus

–             Windows for Workgroups

–             Ms Excel

–             Ms Access

–             Ms Works for Windows

–              Is a backup to the PC support department and is responsible for ensuring that the LAN is kept up and running in there absence

–              Responsible for supporting all the various packages and hardware in their absence

–              Evaluate Software and hardware and advise users on what would be most suited to their needs

–              Most recent project:

–              Rewriting point of sale system in Visual Basic

–              CDROM:

–             Writing utility programmes to copy and download files to and from CDROM

–             Information is access using notepad system written in Visual Basic

–              RUMBA:

–             Evaluating the implementation of the Rumba package for the Access of Mainframe data from PC’s

–              Some Previous Projects:

–             Point of Sale

–             A reps quote system initially written in clipper and now being rewritten in Visual Basic

–              Work Tracking System:

–             Rewritten in VB/SQL Server

–             Achievement – completed project in 2 weeks, ± 3000 users, Clipper

–              Training and Development System (Personnel Dept):

–             Designed, programmed and implemented

–             System keeps track of courses that reps and clients have completed and produces statistics

–             5 users

–             VB for LAN Manager

–              Pay Office Databank System:

–             ± 20 users

–             Clipper


–              Actuary System

–             dBase

–              Pending & Rejections Systems

–             ± 50 users

–             VB – Windows for Workgroups

–              Library System

–             Access


Reason for leaving:  Better Prospects




January 1985 – November 1989

Administrative Clerk/ Data Capturer/Programmer

–              Last 4 years at Fairheads involved in Programming in dBase III and Novell Network

–              PC Support – software and hardware

–              Training in MultiMate


Reason for leaving:  Better Prospects


  • Analyst/Programmer
  • Data Management
  • marketing
  • SEO
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